Photo of California Jack Russell Terriers Puppy

Top 9 Untold Facts About Jack Russell Puppies

Jack Russell Puppies or our California Jack Russell Terriers are fun loving, energetic and active dogs which are perfect for those who want an active companion. If you’re planning on getting a terrier, then the following facts are just for you:

  1. Outdoor Dogs

The California jack Russell terriers are not the type to hole up in an apartment or closed space. These dogs are wild and like to roam free so if you want a dog which can be lazy and lie around in one space at the corner then these terriers are not for you.

  1. Active

These are extremely active and energetic. They need to be played with and give regular walks to so as to avoid them getting bored. Bored terriers are destructive terriers and might damage your house.

  1. Brave

These dogs despite their size have the personality of a bigger and fearsome dogs. They do not fear anything at all and can pick up fights with the most boisterous dogs as well.

  1. Dominating

Jack Russell Puppies can quickly become alpha of the house so it is best to show them who the boss is the moment they step feet in the threshold. Even the Jack Russell puppies if let loose will consider themselves the boss and control you by snapping or growling so be sure to take the dominant role beforehand.

  1. Anxious

They have severe anxiety and separation issues so when you leave the house, make sure to leave the radio on or surround the terrier with treats along with its favorite toys to keep him occupied otherwise it will bark the entire day long and can suffer from major depression.

  1. Coats

These come in three different coats: rough, broken and smooth.

Rough coat is basically a thicker coat of shaggy hair while the smooth coat is a thin layer of short fur. The broken is the combination of these two and lies between 1 to 3cm. the rough coat is usually 10cm long while the smooth coat is 1.5cm long.

  1. Shorty jack

There is only one Jack Russell Terrier that is a bit larger in size and it is called Shorty Jack which is a combination of a terrier and dachshund.

  1. Not Lethargic

These dogs are definitely not lethargic. If you want them to sleep peacefully in a corner, then these are not the dogs for you because they like to roam around and run.

You must entertain them accordingly i.e. take them out for walks twice in a day for at least 30 mins each and play fetch or ball with them in the house. If the terriers are bored, then they snap and also start tearing up the house so make sure to be equally energetic.

  1. Seek Affection

These dogs thrive for attention. They need to be reminded daily that they are loved and cared for. This means you should pat them on the head and give them treats and treat them lovingly. They can get very anxious if not shown affection with.